Late, with legs shaking

Whew! A day, a day, a day...

An update:

1) I went to Nibbles Cooking Academy to talk to Suzie. Our recipe conversation went really well, though the recipes might've been a little too sophisticated for kids. Subtract the feta, roasted red peppers, and shitake mushrooms, and we've a deal! She expects fliers by the first of the week, and we'll spread the word. She even cited her daughter's connections to the first lady and how she'll pass on my fliers and my (what?) resume. Despite the itty bitty set back that I don't have a resume just yet, her excitement got me excited, and I left in a rush. Here are the essentials:

Nibbles Cooking Academy
Saturday, August 21, 2010
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Join Fayetteville teen Serena Caffrey for a cooking class about local and organic foods. Ages 6-11. Sign up while space is available! serena.caffrey@gmail.com.

2) I went to the First Thursday show at the Underground this evening, and handed out somewhere around 200 fliers, so about 100 of each version. That was going on from about 5:20 to 8:30, so by the time I was done, I was miserably exhausted and hungry. It's hard talking to people you don't know. Well, no, I take that back: the talking is easy, but the talking about what I want to talk about is hard. I genuinely enjoy strangers, so it's frustrating to try and steer the conversation in a direction desirable for just me. I often end up saying, "Hate to advertise to you, but..."

Now, this is not a very solutionary method. I should excite people, not shove a flier in their face. I remember one man in particular who I've met at a drawing class before. I mentioned the beauty of fliers, and he looked at me in such a way; what a loaded, unforgiving glance. So I said, "or not," and he walked away. Discouraging. On the other hand, there were way more overwhelming successes. Principles, art teachers, and performers that said "yes! I want more." So that's exciting. It's hard work when me and my flier are all that make up an organization. Someday, someday...

It's late, and the sushi I ate for a late dinner isn't sitting so well. I've work in the morning, so I'm off to bed. Hope to see you again.

And as for the title, my legs keep shakin'
Don't know why.


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