Spicy Green Sald with Beets and Feta

This salad is so satisfying when done correctly. Beets add color and meatiness while arugula adds intrigue I bought them both from our local Farmer's Market. If only we still had a cheese lady.

Always trust your taste, and make any necessary adjustments to this recipe. If you do, let me know what could use change or clarity.

For salad:

2 bunches of beets (about 12 med-large beets)
aprx. 8 ounches of mushrooms, sliced
1 large or 2 small-med. onions, diced
a handful of crumbled feta
2 bunches of arugula, washed

For Dressing:

juice from one lemon
4 sprigs of fresh oregano
1 small-med. onion, diced
1/4 quarter cup of vinegar
a splash of cream, if necessary

To prep beets: This is important, believe it or not. When you boil beets, they are drained of a lot of their juices and color, so its best to avoid any possible leakage. After scrubbing the beets (which isn't entirely necessary since they'll be peeled after they are boiled), cut stems close to the root without actually cutting root. This saves it from exposure and thus leakage. Furthermore, don't cut off the odd tails quite yet. They are removed easily after cooking along with the skin.

Bring water to a boil and add prepped beets. Meanwhile, begin to cook down all onions (those for both salad and dressing) in med-high heat in olive oil. When onions begin to become transparent, transfer about a third to a small-med saucepan. Add the oregano, lemon juice, and pepper, and bring to a boil in a small-med. saucepan. Reduce heat slightly and let simmer. If dressing reduces too much, add water as necessary. Allow remaining 2/3 to continue cooking down, stirring somewhat regularly as to make them caramelize. Turn to low heat when done.

Beets are done when they can be easily punctured and slip off easily enough. Don't be so concerned with letting them slip on their own as to let them overcook. I prefer my beats firmer than not. Take them out of water, and let them drain and cool slightly. Trim the tail and remaining stems, and peel. Half or quarter beets using a paring knife, depending on their size, and add to the remaining 2/3 of now caramelize onions

Meanwhile, saute mushrooms on medium heat using butter, replenishing when needed. Butter allows mushrooms to retain and strengthens their flavor, whereas olive oil (bless its soul) overpowers it. Be sure not to crowd mushrooms, otherwise they will not brown. Treat them more like a meat than a vegetable. If needed, saute mushrooms in batches as to allow for more room. Add mushrooms to onions when done.

Strain dressing and add vinegar slowly, as to test for taste. If dressing is bitter or sour, let it cool slightly and add cream, stirring vigorously.

Spoon a little dressing onto arugula, then add beets, mushrooms, onions, and feta. If needed, add more dressing. Salt, pepper, and enjoy!

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