
I'm disappointed in myself and how irregularly I've been posting on this blog. I think part of my problem is that I've limited myself, fear someone read this and judge me. Truth is, my language isn't always perfect and my recipes have not been tested and edited extensively. Part of my goal is to communicate to you, the reader, but I think it is also important to blog for myself. To get something off my chest. Then again, that's why I journal.

I've been out of the country (!!) in Italy (!!!) these past two weeks, so I've lots to talk about food-wise. Also, you might've noticed a change in the goal of my blog. I love food, but that's not all I love. I could start another blog to account for my constantly expanding interests, but rather than dilute my already limited effort, I figure this one can be a little more comprehensive. I hope, if you're reading this, you stay in touch and encourage me to do the same.

Thank you for stopping by.

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