Late September, what?

Hi friends!

It's been awhile, and for this, I apologize. School, while I claim to have mastered it, does take a toll on my dear blog's well being. So I'm back with brief news and updates.

1) Cooking class on Sept. 11 went really well -- a big thanks to all of you who attended! Suzie, the chef at Nibbles Academy, expressed interest in future classes, which I hope we can make (much) more focused on local, fresh foods. I'd really like to take the kids to the market somehow, or maybe show them the OMNI garden, which is right next door. (And hopefully I'll have learned how to use an electric mixer by then...old school, heh...)

2) Radio broadcast! Wow, it's been a long time. Check out http://www.kuaf.org/ozarksatlarge, and just search my name to listen. The amazing and supportive Jacqueline Froelich reports.

3) I was featured in the Food File a few weeks ago! Check out that feature here: http://thefoodfile.com/green-teen-entrepreneur-foodie-spotlight-with-serena-caffrey-of-green-food-solutions/2490.

4) I recently reconnected with a friend from the Farmer's Market in Fayetteville. Read all about his inspiring project here: http://www.arteengarden.com/

5) Today, I met with the Fayetteville Public Schools Food Director, Adam Simmons. He expressed interest in attending the Youth Summit (as described below) with me as to implement changes upon our return, and he even invited me to teach cooking classes through the school for kids and their parents about the importance of using fresh foods. Talk about exactly the opportunity I've been hoping for!

6) As briefly mentioned, I was accepted into the National Teen Leadership Team, and I plan to attend the Green Schools National Youth Summit. The conference is in Minneapolis, so I'm raising money for airfare. If you would like to donate, please email me at serena.caffrey@gmail.com. You would be directly encouraging the sustainability, social well-being, and efficiency of Fayetteville Public Schools. By attending the Summit, I will earn FHS national recognition and solidify Fayetteville's somewhat arbitrary green movement. Learn more about the Summit here: http://www.greenschoolsyouth.org/Youth_In_Action/The_Youth_Summit.html.

7) I've planted some fall crops and have been tending to the beds daily. Such therapy it is -- working in the soil. I walk down the rows barefoot, the damp earth beneath and in between my toes. In the evening light -- magic hour, says mum -- I go out with the camera and capture the nearly phosphorescent glow of the leaves. Photos to come.

Thanks, thanks for stopping by. I hope you get a chance to comment, subscribe, or email me your thoughts. Your feedback is so inspiring, and I thrive on an excited community. Hope to be back soon.



  1. Can I just like, no LOVE, all of this? I'm so excited with everything you are doing. You rock. I hope that FHS isn't bogging you down too much and you can use it as a springboard instead of a sink hole.

    tanti baci. mi manchi.

  2. Thanks, thanks. I love you, miss you, and hope you're well.

  3. Hey hey listening to your interview and it sounds so so good! for serious.
