Christmas Greetings and Catch Up

Ciao a tutti!

The weeks have been flying by with new sites and pages of my sketchbook. Here they are to share:

A night on the town with Rotex friends Lisa and Sara, the former of whom I met last year in Fayetteville during her year of exchange.

I saw this scarf and immediately thought of my sister, Melissa, who is a talented knitter and I thought would appreciate this pattern.


Porto Santo Stefano

Populonia in Alto Toscano

A tour of Etruscan tombs, which was super super cool.


Boccioni Liceo Artistico

My two favorite buildings in all of Milan

Teatro Nazionale - Piazza Piemonte

I always look forward to this glance on my bike ride home after school.

This is what I look like these days.


Nave Italia

Nave Italia and Rotary crew

We went to the Naval Museum in La Spezia, and these are old lighthouse bulbs. I thought of my mum when I saw them, and I thought'd they'd serve as beautiful art.

Thanksgiving spent with fellow excangers at our Italian professor's house. A night to remember and cherish.

Courmayeur at Sant Ambrogio

My friend Francesco and I took an early Sunday train this week to catch the art show of  Degas, Toulous-Loutrec, and Zandomeneghi in the charming town of Pavia south of Milan. This is the view from the famous Ponte Coperto.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas from this family to that one.

1 comment:

  1. che bellezza. grazie per questa piccola finestra a tua vita. mi piaciono questi disegni semplici. ti voglio bene sorellina mia.

    un abbracione,
