Crazy exhausted after a crazy awesome weekend

Hello friends!

While I speak to you all, this post is a special shout-out to my friends from the leadership team this weekend. After planning, facilitating, and participating in the Youth Summit (more to come, ahh!), we gave a presentation to the general Green Schools National Conference. We were presenting to our elders, so we wanted to come off as both professional and passionate about the movement.

This is the initial brainstorm regarding the National Leadership Team, what we did, and how more students can be involved. Yay to Elea for working with me, and maybe she can post the final speech?


ask Ethan about application process/ team characteristics

-everyone needs to do it!!!!
-we ahd totoo msososo muicfuffnfufnfufnf!!!!!
-you!! come!
-application through summit website
-(Ethan?) ....National Leadership Team
-Next year you should do it, really easy to apply
-we're all leaders, you can be on the other end
-gateway to trust
-Within 24 hrs., we built a TEAM!
-Next year, you can be a part of this team (have anyone in mind? encourage them to come!)
- Introduction (green schools youth summit??)
-application process
-group success what we did
-we are all leaders
- leading to the wake up

I am delusional from a very long, very exciting weekend. (To prove this, the lights on the ground from the plane seemed to be spelling (jibberish) to me. "Fight, jest, FOF.") I have much more to say about this weekend, the team, and the cities, but for now I am headed straight for bed.

Lots of love to all you folks readin', especially my friends in Minnesota, Maryland, California, Wisconsin, New York, and Iowa. I hope you all got home safely.

Best!andbest and best of all~!!!


P.S. And boy are those photos nice...

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