
Hello, hello!

It's late, but I'm here to report on the Fayette Farmers' Market cooking demonstration I gave this morning. Usually, I would put it off until the morning until I can think more clearly, but I've a busy day tomorrow, and it will officially be the first official school night of the 2010-11 year.

If you refer to some earlier posts, you'll find a brief freak out somehow regarding my unpreparedness for the demo. Turns out, it wasn't too much of a problem! With a quick, last minute scramble (thanks to my family for helping me out), I made it to the square around 10:45. At first glance, I was disconcerted by the lack of people around the previous demonstrator's table. Ignoring this, however, I made my rounds to buy zucchini, eggs, and tomatoes for the creamy pasta I'd be making. (Here I'd like to thank dH Farm, Dickey Farm, Dripping Springs, and Marty's Produce for their contributions.)

Because of the steady but very sparse flow of people around the square, I wasn't sure how to officially begin. It reminded me painfully of setting out a tip jar before I sing -- there's just no graceful way to do it. I was saved, however, by two girls who I'd talked to previously. The older girl was eight, and her sister probably four. They said, "What are you making?" and so it began.

And with that, it went so smoothly. I've made the semolina pasta dough so many times from scratch that it wasn't at all an issue. The kids surrounding the table (yes, they were surrounding me! hoorah!) helped out here and there with measuring flour, stirring, etc. My friends, my lovely friends came out (some as pleasant surprise!) to lend their support. They and the kids drew in more people. Naturally, the crowd came and went, but I always had an audience. This, in itself, is an accomplishment.

I apologize for the lack of photos recently. A friend took some pictures at the demonstration and will hopefully lend them to the cause...

On a side note, August Gathering has been progressing throughout this week (see previous posts!). It's wonderfully stimulating and titillating to have so many like-minded, inclusive rule-breakers. That's a funny description, but a friend from Austin and I mentioned the term specifically in a conversation today. Something about this work is breaking the rules. We are pushing and setting new boundaries and standards and expectations for our economy, as well as ourselves. Right now we're a small force, but if we keep on pushing, we will cross bounds.

Even with the end of summer (and thus, the regular Summer of Solutions work), Green Food Solutions will continue throughout the year.

If you ever need an event (informally) catered, would like to host a cooking demonstration, or have specific cooking class inquiries, please email me at serena.caffrey@gmail.com. If you sign up to receive updates, I will send weekly emails with updates, upcoming events, and in-season recipes. Likewise, click the follow button in the right hand corner. If you don't have a google account (or even if you do), subscribe to this blog and view updates on your homepage.

Thank you always for your time and support. Perhaps someday I will be writing to more than just my three followers... If you exist out there, shoot me a comment! You don't have to be a user.


  1. Serena,
    get it girl.
    Also, you have a lovely blog. Keep it up.
    Lastly, I would love to go to your next food demonstrations.
    Will the audiences be able to eat the food after it is made?

  2. Thank you, thank you!

    I believe I've a demonstration coming up this October. More details to come!

    And sadly, no. Due to food regulations the public can't have samples. But I'd love to cook for a group of friends at someone's house!

    Best of luck,
